Peace and power . Here is the zoom link for Sunday 5.15.22. Please be sure to add the time to your schedule. 7:44pm CST do the tile conversion if necessary! ⬇️ Link to join below
Remnants Gathering is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Remnants Gathering's Zoom Meeting
Time: May 15, 2022 07:45 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Passcode: SiriusDog
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Meeting ID: 693 403 6581
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I really need to get rid of a gambling habit. I earn more than enough. But have thoughts of not having enough. I wander to if my past relationship with a guy I dated 8yrs ago, who 17yrs ago had a drug habit transfered into my gambling habit that is worse now? I will be at work during meditation. Will there be a recording.