-I release my fear of not being authentically ME! -I release shrinking myself, so others feel they can shine.
-I release not setting proper boundaries in romantic, family, and professional relationships.
-I release fear of taking risk in business!
-I release overthinking to the point where I’m confused and don’t know what to do next!
-I release procrastinating bc it’s my way of self sabotage.
-I release the inability to see my own beauty and value.
-I release and bind the frequency that keeps me from the wealth and life I’m destined to receive bc it’s my birth right!
-I release poverty from my family lineage and bloodline.
-I release being narcissistic and toxic in my parenting and relationships.
-I release believing in others so much that I don’t believe in my own ideas.
-I release not trusting my intuition when being guided to act, move, speak, or be still.
-I release being inhibited!
-I release laziness, slow metabolism, unbalanced hormones bc of my lack of exercise and proper diet.
-I release inability to tap in when meditating that I don’t do it all.
-I release being dishonest with myself that I desire to be loved.
-I release accepting bare minimum in relationships.
-I release perfection in relationships that I will discard them for less than perfection.
-I release being overly masculine bc I didn’t have a masculine in my life to give me stability, keep me safe, or show me love from a masculine/man.
-I release operating from root chakra ALL the time.
-I release any and all blockages know and unknown.
-I release my spirit family, ancestors, soul guides, guardian angels, and deamons to assist me with my purpose I must fulfill.