Congratulations for completing the quiz.
You are here because you are ready to take a deeper journey. Something deep within you decided it was time to break away from generational thinking that has been keeping you away from your abundance, keeping you away from happiness!
We want you to use your answers from the question, take a deep breath, and read the programs we have created that will help you on this journey. Your intuition will draw you to the program that is right for you.
Relegion Detox Program
RELEGION made us doubt ourselves, it made us feel unworthy of nothing good. This course is a journey into the shadow self! By detoxing RELEGION you are delving into the roots of who you are. Roots are beneath the surface of coping mechanisms, depression, rage, loneliness, self hatred , abandonment and negligence!
Be free from the slave mentality and pimp culture that created by Relegion.

NU U Mystery School
Next Class - 9.18.2022
This is not a path for the faint of heart, or those who seek instant gratification. The Left Hand Path is a path of battling self, going against the status quo; this is a path of searching, of pain, and endless leaps into the Abyss where we go to molt, shed our skin, and come out a better version of ourselves– a stronger, more aware, and enlightened version.
Like the serpent is sure to coil, our path is sure to be crooked; there is nothing that is going to be handed to us, and answers will not come easily.
Dark Goddess Yoniverse Sacred Sistarhood
Dark goddess energy is strong in us because we hold dark energy from generations of extreme trauma on a mass level.
Dark Goddess Re-mothering is necessary to connect with your Divine Dark Mother and is one of the ways I heal my wounded inner child! Each sacred sistar class will be attached to a dark goddess to allow you to form a deep bond to this energy!