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Writer's picture: EarnKhamEarnKham

This 12:60 frequency has infiltrated every institution, including science, politics, medicine, religious institutions, and celebrity culture. It breeds on all that is unnatural: war, taxes, inequality, greed, poverty, genetically modified food, destruction of nature, materialism, and abuse of all types.

The endgame of this 12:60 frequency cult is to merge humans with machines.

The Book of Revelations speaks of the beast with seven heads and ten horns. Verses 5-8 say that this beast would be given 42 months (or 1260 days) to oppose God and make war against God’s people.

The ego is the seven-headed beast or a dragon that must be slain. This world caters to and feeds the dragon (ego), not spirit.

This 12:60 cult has no tolerance for thoughts or questions outside its own frequency. No critical inquiry is allowed, lest you be shamed, criticized, censored and demonized.

MANY OF US “ Weirdo’s, black sheep, sacred rebels , non mind controlled “GOT WHOOPINGS FOR ASKING QUESTIONS! 😳😳😳😳😳. Now are you overstanding why with deeper details? If not stick around as we EXPOSE the harmful 12:60 frequency

This suppression of energy leads people to seek external addictions to feed the inner hunger of the soul.

This 12:60 cult frequency has been institutionalized and held in place by the Gregorian calendar, an instrument of control. This false frequency has become so second nature, that the majority do not realize it or question it.

The Gregorian Calendar is the central, most unquestioned dogma of modern civilization. –Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

This frequency of 12:60 keeps us in a perpetual state of disempowerment, division, inequality, suspicion, poverty, and with general feelings of inadequacy, shame, and self-hatred.

This is the effect of living under the spell of false time.

All falsity must be exposed and brought into the light of consciousness. This process is now in full acceleration.

Ultimately the 12:60 cult seeks to mechanize and fragment consciousness, luring the masses into a hive mind where they unconsciously repeat rote platitudes and emotionally charged slogans.

We can choose to overcome the inertia of the past by shifting our focus to the Creative Light of new potentiality. We can choose to take time each day to unplug from the chaotic vibrations of the world and create our inner sanctuary, where we can shake off the world’s mind and resonate with the Divine.

The systemic problems embedded in the 12:60 frequency, can only be solved by transcending them altogether and raising our consciousness into the pristine New beam frequency.

It does not matter our religion, race, or economic status; this is all about CONSCIOUSNESS and frequency. The truth is that we live in a multidimensional universe and who we are is far vaster than we can imagine.

Love is always the answer. But love requires understanding. And understanding (or innerstanding as many say) requires reflection.

With innerstanding, a sense of compassion naturally arises that opens our heart to a Greater Cosmic Love Story.

What if this is all for Love? What if everything was designed in Beneficence for our soul growth? What if it is not like what we think?

The Creators of the New World are those that seek harmony first and foremost. They are the ones with clear and flexible minds that are unprejudiced by media and other influences. They are the ones with compassionate, pure hearts who have transmuted their reactive biospychic emotional drives to serve a Higher Vision.

To stabilize higher and holy perceptions, it is essential to have some type of daily practice to keep our mind elevated above the density of this world.

In the Dakini Teachings, the words of Master Padmasambhava to Yeshe Tsogyal are a helpful reminder.

Master Padma said: When practicing the Dharma, you must first tame your own mind.

Yeshe Tsogyal asked: What does that mean?

The Master said: You must cut the five poisons at their root: anger, stupidity, pride, strong desire, envy.

You must extinguish the scorching flames of anger with the water of loving-kindness.

You must cross the river of desire on the bridge of powerful remedies.

You must light the torch of discriminating knowledge in the darkness of stupidity.

You must crumble the mountain of pride to the ground with the pestle of diligence.

You must overcome the storm of envy by wearing the warm garment of patience.

In any case, these five poisons, your old archenemies, will ruin your being in the three realms of samsara if you uninhibitedly indulge in them. Do not let them run wild.

Cultivate your inner space. Nurture your healing temple. Create your inner zone of peace. Love is All.

Where are we Now? From Artificial Gates to Natural Time/Love Charter

Dissynchronized and at odds with itself everywhere, humanity is broken apart into splintered mind fields, each controlled by a different timing standard, a fact about which the human race is virtually ignorant- to its own detriment. –Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.– Krishnamurti

You are here alone.

And so is everyone else.

There is no security in this world.

There is no perfection in this world.

The feeling of security is dependent on the direct proportion as to how much of the INFINITE we can embody in our mind and heart.

We must be ready to perceive the unexpected and miraculous.

What Dreamspell have we Entered?

Virtual reality shows that we are starved for release into a parallel world, an imaginal realm that is not just a rejection of our worst nightmares, but of our highest most sublime aspirations.—José Argüelles/Valum Votan

As we sit in our homes, checking our phones, satellites are going up over our heads, and fifth-generational wireless towers are being rapidly installed. By 2023 there are expected to be 42,000 satellites.

Many scientists put forth that increased radiation weakens the immune system, making people more susceptible to viruses and another disease. Why does the Federal Communications Commission, who oversees wireless and non-wireless, not address potential human and environmental risks?

Whether we realize it or not, Humanity is already being artificially re-engineered through our cell phones and computers. The cybersphere is becoming increasingly controlled by A.I. Self-replicating nano-bots or nanoparticles and technology are now small enough to be inserted into the food chain, chemtrails, or vaccines. As we move into 5,6, and 7th generational wireless systems, we might ask if this level of radiation is inhabitable for carbon-based lifeforms?

Newspeak and Technocracy

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. C. S. Lewis

In the novel 1984 (1949), George Orwell described a society in which thought itself was controlled. In the book, children were taught to use a simplified form of English called Newspeak to assure that they could never express ideas that were dangerous to society.

Years before that, in Brave New World (1932), the British author Aldous Huxley envisioned a near-perfect society in which unhappiness and aggression had been engineered out of humanity through a combination of genetic engineering and psychological conditioning.

When a planetary system is sufficiently stressed, and people are kept in fear, then it is easy for those in power to set up a new social order. In this case, it is a technocracy.

Technocracy means ruling by technology. The term was coined in 1932 with the Technocracy Inc. movement.

“Technocracy is a totalitarian system of government where scientists, engineers, and technicians monitor and control all facets of personal and civic life—economic, social, and political.” —Patrick Wood, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan horse of Global Transformation.

In Time and the Technosphere, Dr. Jose Arguelles defines the technosphere as the artificial sheathe around the planet. He described the technosphere as the intermediary stage within the biosphere-noosphere transition.

…the technosphere is a structure brought about by the 12:60 timing frequency and thus is purely a function of the latter. As such, the technosphere is embedded in the global macro-organizing principle of the 12:60 frequency, the Gregorian calendar.

The technosphere’s effects are to supplant the organic processes of the biosphere with totally industrialized ones, resulting in a severe imbalance in the biosphere. Biology is being replaced by silicon.

Yet, even with all of this advanced technology, we are still using an outdated Gregorian calendar, fossil fuels, and centralized electrical grids—all due to money and power to control time and energy.

What is this 12:60 frequency?

12:60 timing frequency: Artificial, purely third-dimensional timing frequency based on a combination of irregular twelve-month calendar and mechanistic sixty-minute hour, adoption of which results in the unconscious program within the human mental order, causing the species to deviate altogether from the natural biospheric order, resulting in the technosphere. –Dr. Jose Arguelles

Dr. Arguelles was born in 1939, the same year as The Technocratmagazine wrote:

Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the whole population.

The magazine went on to explain that Technocracy seeks  to create a resource-based economic system where scientists, engineers, and technicians would be the sole planners and controllers of society. This would explain why a billionaire technocrat such as Bill Gates would be allowed to be in charge of global health, agriculture and education?

Dr. Arguelles points out that as an operating planetary structure, the technosphere consists of five interactive components; Commodity production, Cities, Energy, Transport, Communication. We see the fragility of these five components at this time.

He also points out that the final collapse of the technosphere is also the final war between blood (biology) and money (currency). This translates as the harvesting of lifeforce, i.e., biological currency.

Many good people, understandably, do not want to look at the dark sides of humanity. Darkness is just the place that the light has not yet reached. Part of the psychological operation of this time is to make us believe that reality is only what is presented in the mainstream news.

In this Technocracy, which furthers the transhuman agenda, humans are ultimately connected by nano-particles, or smart dust,  to a hive mind that takes command from an Artificial Avatar.

Set apart from the natural cycles by the dissynchronous frequency of mechanization, the Time Wars are also waged against the biosphere, which is viewed as a hostile force to be overwhelmed and plundered. Everywhere on Earth, nature is on the run. –Jose Arguelles

What can we do now? Those receptive to the New Vibrations are now being ACTIVATED and awakened to new solutions. Victory of the Light is coming. Time is growing short. The battle is not over yet. We are being called to rise into full ATTUNEMENT with Source of all Creation and identify with the clear mind of Truth. Everything is perfectly designed for our awakening. What is occurring shows that we have countless ties binding us to an unresolved past. Old ways of thinking, old social and institutional contracts must be broken for our Spirit to ascend. At some point in time, we have consented to this control. But now we are revoking all agreements that do not serve the highest good of humanity.. The new galactic seed of humanity is incubating at a vibratory level, awaiting the right moment to manifest. New rays of Light are being emitted from the cosmos for the builders of the New time to arise and create. Question everything. Refuse to become an enslaved automaton. Do what you can locally. Educate yourself.The two things we have that machines don’t have are HEART and CREATIVITY. Begin to view everything as energy. Switch off the news, light a candle, and enter the inner world. This is where real freedom is.  We can change the time as we are time travel vehicles. Hold the Highest affirmative visions and thoughts. Live in connection to nature. Be simple. 13 Moons. Cultivate love. Grow your garden and make your soil. Healthy soil and organic seeds = healthy food. Here is an inspiring and useful site: This is an excellent book, Free Food, and Medicine, We are the ultimate technology. We were born for this time.

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Aug 10, 2020

Wow right!!! That was one of the most helpful things I’ve come across since this whole awakening started.... receptive to the vibes :) thank you K and E... sincerely.


Aaliyah Akasha
Aaliyah Akasha
Aug 09, 2020


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