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šŸ¦āš•ļø8.8.22 LIONESS GATE PORTAL "

Writer's picture: EarnKhamEarnKham

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

The 8th of August has the numerology of 8/8, or 88. On that day, Sirius, the Star, along with the Sun will align themselves in an auspicious formation called the Lionā€™s Gate Portal.

In astrology, Sirius stands for fame and wealth. And the sun energy of Leo will ask us to let passions shine. This means that the portal of the Lionā€™s Gate is the time for dreaming big. BIG PYRAMID SHIT BIG!

Sirius is called the ā€œspiritual sunā€. Ancient human civilizations have all hailed the starā€™s annual appearance as an event of great significance. This means 8th August is especially powerful for carrying out spiritual practices. The ritual for the portal of the Lionā€™s Gate is one example.

The energy beaming to the planet on this day will amplify EVERYTHING WE THINK, FEEL, DO & SAY! Any seeds seen will bring a doubled harvest , so you want to make sure your thoughts are positive and beneficial!

The Sacred Year begins on the 26th of July, with the planetary New Year, and is preceded by the celebratory "Day out of Time" on the 25th of July.Ā  On the 25th your ancient ancestors knew to celebrate the passing over from the old cycle to the new, with creative joy and festival.Ā  On the 26th the new cycle was initiated.Ā  The 26th of July was celebrated by the Mayans and the ancient Egyptians as the moment when Time/Space was renewed for another cycle by the Divine Creative Intelligence. This was also the time when the Royal Star Sirius was and is conjunct our Sun and rises in conjunction at Sunrise in the northern hemisphere and specifically over Egypt at the time of the rising of the Nile River which represented the return of abundance to the land and the people for another cycle of life. The Sirians, and the Royal Lion Beings, were and remain the Master Star Teachers who have helped to guide Humanity on the path of Ascension and Evolution.

The Lions Gate portal is guarded by two of the Royal Sirian Lions who are known as the "Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow" in the Sacred texts.Ā  They are the gatekeepers that ensure that only those who are grounded in the Present moment and conscious of their path are able to transit through the portal and create another cycle of life in a conscious way.Ā  They are not only guardians, but also teachers who work with the Angels and Archangels to guide those who are ready in their journey of awakening and creation. Each one of you who reads these words has the ability to make this conscious transit, for you would not have been drawn to these words if you were not at the frequency needed to attract this truth and be a part of the power and empowered creation of the Lions Gate in 2022

At this time, in this cycle, there are two versions of Earth that co-exist, the Multi-dimensional New Earth and the lower dimensional Alternate Earth, since the 3rd Dimensional Earth no longer exists.Ā  Part of the chaos you experience is the shifting between dimensions, which for most people is unconscious and random.Ā  But for you who are gathering experience with the guidance of your Soul, you are learning to move between dimensions and indeed between Worlds and Time Lines with Grace and Elegance and without trauma and drama.

This will also be a time when you will need to care for your Body.Ā  It is now the Sacred Temple of your Soul, and it will take a while for the body to adjust to the higher frequencies and awareness that come with being infused with soul perceptions and feelings.Ā  The body may feel exhausted as it has to run these intense frequencies and deal with intense experiences that are far more powerful than anything that the old ego mind could create.Ā  The key here is always surrender.Ā  Relax and allow soul and higher self to be your support, and to create the miracles that will take you forward into new levels of love, experience and joy when your body accepts and acclimates to these intense and powerful flows of energy from the soul.

Be awake, be aware and be empowered.

You are the Shift in Human Form.Ā  This is what you came to experience.

Many of you will feel called to initiate new forms of Community as part of your Soul Mission to activate the Sacred Energy of Earth, and some will be guided to assist in transforming communities that already exist by infusing them with the Soul Light of the Divine Feminine and the New Masculine.

In this cycle there will be increased levels of what we call "Ancestral Healing" on the individual and community and even the national level, as all that belongs to mind and ego begins to give way to structures based on Heart, Soul and Compassionate Love.Ā  The Past and the Future will be changed forever as you focus into this cycle and make the changes that will determine that this time line /time cycle of 2019/20 will be the one that changes everything and creates the Golden Future that you seek to create and experience.

8/8 Lions Gate 2019 : Complete Embodiment of the Soul as we enter the 2019/20 Creative Cycle | Starchild Global with Celia Fenn

Stars Influence Humans

It is said that the fixed stars, and their domain, contain the essences or souls of matter ā€¦ a living soul is a higher essence of matter, and when evolved may also be called a star. These stars and essences become gods. Like souls, stars are regarded as having divine attributes. Stars look down from regions of chaotic, violent, purity onto the world of humanity and influence the energies of humankind invisibly, yet most powerfully.

12:60 refers to a collective belief system frequency: 12 month calendar, 60 minute hour.

From the Galactic point of view, third-dimensional civilization and all that pertains to it are illusory conditions of mind. These illusory conditions are the result of following and being imprinted by the artificial 12:60 time ratio.

The entire world of 12:60 values is a legacy handed down for generations that no one has yet been able to alter.

This dreamspell of false time, can be likened to a cult. But in this case the cult leader is not a human, but an Invisible Force that takes commands from an Artificial Intelligence.

This artificial ā€œcult leaderā€Ā  seeks to entrap as many humans as possible by keeping them in a state of fear and division. When one is in a state of fear, one will do whatever the authority commands to ensure a false illusion of safety.

šŸ•‰During this event you will receive mother tongue codes for dna activation channeled from Sekhmet

šŸ•‰Fire purification ceremony to burn away karmic contracts , release grief , anger and sadness

šŸ•‰TAROT CARD READING for the collective.

List ofĀ  items you need

  1. Glass of wine or grape juice

  2. Sage or palo santo to clear space " incense alternative


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